Volunteering As A Virtual High School Science Fair Judge: Pandemic Insights

Believe in ourselves or no one else will believe in us.

Volunteering at the 2023 High School Science Fair as an in-person, on-site judge, reminded me of my experience volunteering at the Science Fair in the 2021. At that time, with ongoing pandemic, Science Fair 2021 was, by necessity, organized as a virtual event. Even virtual experience did not diminish its meaning and significance. After more […]

Electoral College Swing State Bingo For Gifted Education 

Election Lab Games Tournament

The final week of the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Electoral College course is over. We are happy to report that our students were amazing! Here are a few snippets of learning and engagement our course created in these classrooms.   Our Course: “Electoral College Swing State Bingo” It was Election Year 2016. As you may […]

How Did Judging At The High School Science Research Fair Become An Unexpected Gift?

Dr. Criley (left) and Naomi Kao (right) stand beside Naomi's project on hand hygiene training for elementary school students.

I looked at these beautiful young faces feeling like I reunited with a long forgotten relative or a friend. These kids were sometimes too smart or too quirky, or extremely curious, or too quiet, or too loud, or too critical or too nice and polite. I remember them all, all too well. Some took a few courses, while many others took every single course we offered. There was always something endearing about each one of them. As I looked at their faces, I still could recognize that little person they once were, years ago.

The Emotional Side of Being a Doctor During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr Jasminka Criley providing hospital medical care during COVID19 pandemic.

Hospitalist Shift It was a Thursday evening: a day that was supposed to be one of those “regular” evening shifts. Then, at 6:15 p.m., my first page went off: “Bed 11, Mrs. R., Dr. H. needs to talk to you”. The page came from the COVID section of the emergency department. I immediately called back. […]

What Are Different Types Of Face Masks & Respirators?

Medical/Surgical Face Mask

By Richard Criley and Dr. Jasminka Criley During the past few months, I have received many questions about N95 respirators. Why are they called respirators, and not masks? Who are they for? Are they better than “regular” masks? Who should wear these respirators, and who benefits from wearing them? Which masks are appropriate for which […]

Activities of Daily Living: Ah, That Fall!

‘‘Maybe what life is trying to tell you is, ‘‘slow down.’’ In fact, it’s forcing you to do that’’. Now, having been a patient on crutches, I have a greater understanding of how limits to mobility impact daily living on my patients.