Are you coming to Washington DC to the Future Physicians for Change (FP4C) Convention?
Future Physicians for Change (FP4C) Convention will be held in Washington DC, from May 30th to June 1st, 2024.
This is a yearly conference hosted and organized by American Medical Student Association (AMSA). At the conference, medical student and other future healthcare professionals have opportunity to focus on learning and sharing how to make positive changes in the healthcare system. Their goal is to achieve health equity and justice in healthcare by advocating for change. They focus on breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive medical field.
AMSA is the largest and oldest independent association of physicians-in-training in the United States. It was founded in 1950. Reportedly, it has over 68000 members including medical students, pre-medical students, interns, residents and even practicing physicians and faculty.
AMSA is student-governed organization. It focuses on supporting, informing and inspiring future doctors.
AMSA’s Mission is strong and focuses on:
- Education and Empowerment – equipping future physicians with skills and knowledge they need to be successful.
- Advocacy – encouraging members to advocate for equitable healthcare access and positive change in the medical filed.
- Diversity and Inclusion within the healthcare system that represents communities it serves.
As an invited speaker, Dr Criley will talk about our U.S. Department of Education funded project: Election Lab Online (ELO). Receiving grant from U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences is extremely difficult and competitive. We are beyond proud of our team for winning that Award. It is a big accomplishment. Thanks to this achievement, our 10+ years long work and investment into U.S. Presidential Elections and Electoral College was able to enter a new phase: a phase of creating actual digital learning games (video games, also known as serious games).
ELO is a collection of authentic Election Games of different U.S. Presidential Election years. After spending a day of healthcare advocacy on Capitol Hill, conference attendees will have opportunity to immerse themselves in being campaign strategists for 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. They will play against a real-life opponent. They will use data from actual election(s) to create an authentic civic data literacy experience. This type of experiential learning results in increased critical thinking and decreased cognitive biases. Most of all, competitive nature of learning deeply engages players, as they strategize how to help their candidate win the highest office in the United States.
ELO is an ingenious approach to learning about the complex process of Electoral College. Unlike lectures, this presentation will provide hands-on experiential and memorable learning. It will be an experience like no other.
Why Is Dr Criley An Inspirational Speaker?
Because Dr. Criley cares deeply about providing an amazing educational experience to future physicians. Because our young physicians are change makers. Our young physicians are our future. And in medicine, voting is increasingly recognized as a social determinant of health. This means that the ability to participate in the democratic process can significantly impact individual and community health outcomes.
With our Department of Education supported project to create these cross-disciplinary learning video games, we aim to increase critical thinking skills, increase data literacy and increase voter’s engagement for all and especially youth vote.
You can learn more about Voting as Social Determinant of Health here.
You can learn more about Future Physicians for Change here:
Link with a brief description about Dr Criley’s presentation can be found here.
We are looking forward to the upcoming Future Physicians for Change conference and sharing some of the above insights on the intersection of civics education, learning games, and health.
Jasminka Vukanovic-Criley MD, FACP, FHM is a multiple award-winning physician, from cancer researcher, internal medicine physician, and Medical School Associate Clinical Professor to entrepreneur. She has mentored many undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students and faculty. She is the Principal Investigator on studies from the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Education creating research-driven #edtech games and digital media to improve health, civics, science education, and healthy habits. Dr Criley is also a founding Board member of Physician’s Weekly. She can be reached on X at @criley_md and at