What Is World Brain Tumor Day? Raising Brain Tumors Awareness

Brain Tumors

Jasminka M. Vukanovic-Criley, MD, FACP, FHM
Since 2000, June 8th has been designated World Brain Tumor Day. This is an international commemorative day to raise awareness and educate the public about brain tumors. Its’ goal is also to help improve funding for research and treatment of brain tumors.

Dr. Criley to Inspire at Future Physicians for Change Conference

Are you coming to Washington DC to the Future Physicians for Change (FP4C) Convention? Future Physicians for Change (FP4C) Convention will be held in Washington DC, from May 30th to June 1st, 2024. This is a yearly conference hosted and organized by American Medical Student Association (AMSA). At the conference, medical student and other future […]

What Are Correct Hand Washing Steps? Find Your Indelible Hand Washing Score

Hand washing_water Washing hands under water faucet

Are you washing your hands properly? Hand washing is a habit. Hand washing is a skill. Hand washing is something that you do every day, often, without even thinking about it. Hand washing is probably one of those automatic things you do in your everyday life, like tying your shoes. At the beginning of the […]

Announcement: Indelible Learning Was Invited To 2023 ED Games Expo

The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts

The ED Games Expo 2023 is the public showcase of remarkable game-changing educational technology (EdTech) innovations. 2023 Ed Games Expo is the 9th annual event. These games and innovations are created through more than 50 programs at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), the U.S. Department of Education (ED), and across many other Institutes and Departments of US government.