Jasminka M. Vukanovic-Criley, MD, FACP, FHM
June 8th has been designated World Brain Tumor Day. It started in 2000 as an international commemorative day for all patients with brain tumors and for their families. Its mission is to raise awareness and educate the public about brain tumors.
Tumors, or neoplasms, are uncontrolled growth of cells. Brain tumors refer to uncontrolled growth of brain cells (or envelope cells that surround brain). Research and treatment of brain tumors require lots of resources. Designating June 8th as a Brain Tumor Awareness Day, also had a goal to help improve funding for research and treatment of brain tumors.
Brain tumors are heterogeneous group of diseases. They can be divided into primary and secondary brain tumors.
Primary brain tumors are tumors whose uncontrolled growth started in the brain (or in the envelopes around the brain). These tumors can be benign or malignant (cancerous). Benign tumors grow and can make problems due to their location. However, in general, given their tumor biology, they lack the ability to invade neighboring tissue or migrate to other sites in the body. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, have this ability to invade or migrate, and are dangerous. Since they can invade local areas and can spread to other sites, many therapies (including surgery) can be impractical or less effective.
Secondary brain tumors are tumors that migrated into brain from other organs. An organ where tumors originated is called primary host of those primary tumors. Cells that migrated from primary organs (primary tumors) to brain are also called secondary tumors or metastases. Metastases are very difficult to treat and most of the time have ominous prognosis. As a result, there is lots of effort focused on treating cancers but also on preventing cancers from spreading.
In my prior academic research career, I studied some of the mechanisms of both preventing cancer growth as well as suppressing tumors from metastasizing (Ref 1, 2).
In the brain however, unlike in other organs, even benign tumors can be dangerous. There is a limited space within our skull. As a result, as a tumor grows, it displaces normal brain tissue. Consequently, it can compress different areas of the brain, and affect neurological function.
History of Brain Tumor Awareness Day
World Brain Tumor Day was organized in 2000 by the German Brain Tumor Association (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe eingetragener Verein). The organization was founded in 1998 with the goal of supporting research to improve the care of brain tumor patients. Their moto is Knowledge creates the future. The motto in German language is: “Wissen schafft Zukunft. To German ears, it sounds very much like the two words, “science future.” Future science is indeed what this society seeks for patients. That organization is based in Leipzig, Germany.
It is estimated that, in the United States, about 1 million people are living with a primary brain tumor (3). In 2023, about 94,390 Americans will receive a primary brain tumor diagnosis. Relative survival rate for all patients with a malignant brain tumor is about 35.7%. In 2023, around 18,990 Americans will die from a malignant brain tumor (3).
Quick Facts about Brain Tumors (3, 4):
- About 72% of all brain tumors are benign
- About 28% of all brain tumors are malignant
- About 59% of all brain tumors occur in females
- About 41% all brain tumors occur in males.
- About 94,390 people will receive a diagnosis of a new primary brain tumor in 2023.
- About 67,440 of primary brain tumors will be benign.
- The most common non-malignant brain tumors are non-malignant MENINGIOMAS.
- Non-malignant meningiomas account for about 39.7% of all primary brain tumors
- Non-malignant meningiomas account for about 55.4% of all primary non-malignant tumors.
- The most common non-malignant brain tumors are non-malignant MENINGIOMAS.
- About 26,940 of primary brain tumors will be malignant.
- GLIOBLASTOMA is the MOST COMMONLY occurring primary malignant brain tumor.
- GLIOBLASTOMAS account for 14.2 % of all primary malignant brain tumors
- Glioblastomas make 50.1% of all malignant tumors.
- The median age of diagnosis of a primary brain tumor is 61 years old.
- Survival rate for primary brain tumors varies with the type of tumor and age of the patient. In general, the older the age, the lower the survival.
- The average 5-years-survival rate for meningioma is 88.2% after diagnosis.
- The average 5-years-survival rate for glioblastoma is 6.9% after diagnosis. Median survival rate for glioblastoma is only 8 months.

- Risk factors include:
- Family History (has a parent or sibling also had this type of brain tumor?)
- High dose radiation/X-Rays
- Age
- Treatment depends on type, stage and includes surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of treatments.
- The costs for treatment for brain tumors (5)
- Brain tumors are some of the most expensive cancers to treat. The initial cost of care annually exceeds $150,000 per patient.
Quick Facts for Pediatric Population (6):
- Brain tumors are the most common solid tumors in children, comprising about 20% of all childhood cancers.
- About 6% of all brain tumors occur in this age group
- These tumors are a leading cause cancer-related death in this group
- The most common tumors are:
- Astrocytoma
- Pilocystic astrocytoma (7)
- This is the most common childhood brain tumor
- It is slowly growing
- It arises from astrocytes. Astrocytes are star-shaped cells that support and nourish nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord
- Pilocystic astrocytoma (7)
- Medulloblastomas
- Ependymomas
- Gliomas, malignant
- Astrocytoma
Symptoms of Brain Tumor
There are a myriad of possible symptoms, depending on location of the brain tumor. Some of the common symptoms are:
- Severe persistent headache
- Headache is a very general symptom, that has a broad differential, but it may be a sign of a brain tumor. These headaches can be acute, or chronic and persistent. These headaches in general are worse early in the morning.
- Vomiting or nausea
- Caused by pressure from the tumor. It is usually accompanied by headache as well.
- Seizures
- Around 50% of patients with brain tumor may experience seizures.
- Likelihood of seizure depends on tumor’s location.
- Behavioral changes
- These may include emotional outbursts or minor memory loss.
- Blurry vision
- Impaired hearing
- One-sided hearing loss or ringing in the ears.
- Difficulty speaking including:
- Difficulty forming clear words, or saying things that make very little sense
- Inability to understand what others are saying
- Altered balance
- Difficulty walking
- Impaired sensation of touch
Hand Washing and Brain Tumors
Proper hand washing is critically important for all individuals, but it holds particular significance for patients with cancers. Patients with brain tumors have compromised immune systems and are susceptible to infections. Proper handwashing minimizes the risk of infections, post-surgical or post-chemotherapy complications, and promotes better health outcomes and quality of life.
Handwashing not only protects the individual patient but also contributes to the overall health of the community. Patients with brain tumors may interact with healthcare professionals, family members, and friends regularly. Ensuring that everyone practices proper hand hygiene helps keeping patients safe. Proper hand washing also prevents the spread of infections within the community.
This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
- Jasminka Vukanovic; John T. Isaacs Linomide Inhibits Angiogenesis, Growth, Metastasis, and Macrophage Infiltration within Rat Prostatic Cancers. Cancer Research Vol 55 #7. April 1 1995. https://aacrjournals.org/cancerres/article/55/7/1499/502156/Linomide-Inhibits-Angiogenesis-Growth-Metastasis
- Jin Tang Dong, Pattie W. Lamb, Carrie W. Rinker-Schaeffer, Jasminka Vukanovic, Tomohiko Ichikawa, John T. Isaacs, J. Carl Barrett Kal1, a metastasis suppressor gene for prostate cancer on human chromosome 11p11.2 SCIENCE VOL. 268, NO. 5212 DOI: 10.1126/science.7754374
- Brain Tumor Facts. National Brain Tumor Society https://braintumor.org/brain-tumors/about-brain-tumors/brain-tumor-facts/ Last accessed June 8th 2024.
- Key Statistics for Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors. American Cancer Society. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/brain-spinal-cord-tumors-adults/about/key-statistics.html
- How to Pay For Cancer Treatment Costs: How Viatical Settlements Offer Financial Relief. American Life Fund. Cancer Financial Assistance. https://www.americanlifefund.com/cancer/pay/
- American Brain Tumor Association. Pediatric Brain Tumors 101. Pediatric Brain Tumors 101 – American Brain Tumor Association (abta.org)
- James Knight; Orlando De Jesus. Pilocytic Astrocytoma https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560614/
Dr. Jasminka Vukanovic-Criley MD, FACP, FHM is a multiple award-winning physician, internist, hospitalist, healthcare & education innovator & Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. She is a career mentor & advisor to numerous undergraduate, graduate & postgraduate students & faculty. As a researcher, Dr. Criley received awards from the National Institutes of Health & the U.S. Department of Education Her work focuses on creating research-driven #edtech games & digital media to improve health, civics, science education & promote healthy habits. Dr Criley is also a founding Board member of Physician’s Weekly. She can be reached on X at @criley_md and at www.linkedin.com/in/jasminka-criley-md