What’s Really in Heinz Ketchup? Comparison of Three Countries

What is in Heinz Ketchup. Comparison of three countries.

When it comes to ketchup, Heinz is the undisputed global favorite. But, have you ever wondered: “What’s really in Heinz ketchup?” Moreover, did you know that the ingredients in your bottle can vary significantly in different countries? These variations affect not only the taste but also the nutritional value and overall healthiness of this iconic […]

What is The Best Term For Games: Educational, Serious, Learning or Transformational?

Is this game Educational, Serious, Learning or Transformational?

Educational, serious, learning, and transformational games, are various terms used in the ever-evolving landscape of games and game design. These terms are often used interchangeably. However, each one of these games’ categories encompasses unique characteristics and objectives. For that reason, understanding these distinctions can help developers and educators select the right type of game for […]

National Handwashing Week: A Simple Habit for a Healthier Life

National Handwashing Week: Clean Hands, Healthier Lives

National Handwashing Awareness Week is a week-long event that highlights the significance of hand hygiene. Proper hand hygiene can reduce the spread of infections, especially during peak illness seasons like winter. Handwashing is a seemingly simple habit. Nonetheless, a number of people still did not develop this routine skill into a habit.

Hunting the White Whale

Woodcut of 5 whalers in a boat, with a harpoon, hunting a while sperm whale that has breached. A scene from Herman Melville's Moby-Dick

Hunting the White Whale Software bugs are a fact of coding. The more a program attempts to do, the more opportunity there is for error. The sources of error are legion, but largely stem from the problem that much of the error-prone code is written by hand, by artisans. The industry is slowly moving toward […]

Election Lab now has Iowa as a swing state

Election Lab game map update showing Iowa as a swing state

Long considered a safe state for the Republican presidential campaign, Iowa is now competitive for both team Red and team Blue. Our online strategy game now reflects this update: sign up to play on electionlab.org