September 17 is World Patient Safety Day

World Patient Safety Day. Dr Criley. Florence Nightingale quote.

World Patient Safety Day is an annual celebration to enhance global understanding and foster collaboration among healthcare professionals, patients, leaders, and families to improve patient safety. It is a day to recognize that patient safety is a crucial aspect of healthcare that affects everyone. History of World Patient Safety Day World Patient Safety Day was […]

How to Manage Daily Interruptions at Work and Home?

Even little interruptions can be quite disruptive.

By: Williams M. Criley and Jasminka M. Vukanovic-Criley, MD Do you get interrupted? We do. Constantly: both at home and at work. Life is full of interruptions. Are interruptions good or bad? How do you prevent interruptions? How do you manage interruptions? Let’s try to answer some of these and other questions. Background and Statistics: […]

What Is World Brain Tumor Day? Raising Brain Tumors Awareness

Brain Tumors

Jasminka M. Vukanovic-Criley, MD, FACP, FHM
Since 2000, June 8th has been designated World Brain Tumor Day. This is an international commemorative day to raise awareness and educate the public about brain tumors. Its’ goal is also to help improve funding for research and treatment of brain tumors.

What Are Correct Hand Washing Steps? Find Your Indelible Hand Washing Score

Hand washing_water Washing hands under water faucet

Are you washing your hands properly? Hand washing is a habit. Hand washing is a skill. Hand washing is something that you do every day, often, without even thinking about it. Hand washing is probably one of those automatic things you do in your everyday life, like tying your shoes. At the beginning of the […]

The Emotional Side of Being a Doctor During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr Jasminka Criley providing hospital medical care during COVID19 pandemic.

Hospitalist Shift It was a Thursday evening: a day that was supposed to be one of those “regular” evening shifts. Then, at 6:15 p.m., my first page went off: “Bed 11, Mrs. R., Dr. H. needs to talk to you”. The page came from the COVID section of the emergency department. I immediately called back. […]

What Are Different Types Of Face Masks & Respirators?

Medical/Surgical Face Mask

By Richard Criley and Dr. Jasminka Criley During the past few months, I have received many questions about N95 respirators. Why are they called respirators, and not masks? Who are they for? Are they better than “regular” masks? Who should wear these respirators, and who benefits from wearing them? Which masks are appropriate for which […]

Activities of Daily Living: Ah, That Fall!

‘‘Maybe what life is trying to tell you is, ‘‘slow down.’’ In fact, it’s forcing you to do that’’. Now, having been a patient on crutches, I have a greater understanding of how limits to mobility impact daily living on my patients.